How BUBS Naturals increased conversion rates by 50% with Icon’s AI-generated influencer ads

How BUBS Naturals increased conversion rates by 50% with Icon’s AI-generated influencer ads

Adrian Alfieri
Adrian Alfieri
CEO, Verbatim

"Partnerships with creators used to be difficult with endless back-and-forths and manual payouts. Icon's built-in workflows and automation make the process faster, hassle-free, and efficient." – TJ Ferrara, Co-Founder of BUBS Naturals

About the company

BUBS Naturals is a rapidly growing health & wellness brand dedicated to providing scientifically backed supplements made from sustainably sourced ingredients. Created by professional athletes and Navy SEALs, BUBS Naturals empowers people to live fuller, more vibrant lives. 

The problem

BUBS Naturals needed to rapidly accelerate A/B testing for influencer ads

Social proof is crucial for a hypergrowth brand like BUBS Naturals. However, partnering with creators to produce authentic, engaging content was proving more challenging than expected.

As BUBS began ramping up its influencer campaigns, Co-Founder TJ Ferrara found himself in a convoluted and frustratingly slow content creation cycle. On average, he would spend a month building a successful partnership with a new creator and working with them to produce a video. 

After painfully slow back-and-forth communication on copy hooks and scripts, the results often still missed the mark due to minor issues cropping up like bad lighting and poor audio quality.

Critically, the lengthy nature of this creative process held him back from rapidly A/B testing and iterating on content assets to improve conversion rates. He knew there had to be a faster, more efficient way to create impactful influencer content using AI. That’s when TJ discovered Icon. 

“Seeing the outcome and ROI of a single video takes weeks. If it resonates with the audience, we can scale the ad. If it doesn’t, we’re forced back to another 30-day cycle of iteration. This was really putting the brakes on our growth as a brand.” 

The solution

Partnering with Icon helped TJ and his team transform BUBS’ approach to influencer ad A/B tests and creator partnerships, leading to faster and more impactful results on every piece of the brand’s content. He ascribes this success to four primary aspects of the Icon platform. 

Benefit #1 – 100x faster content creation cycles

Before onboarding with Icon, TJ would spend up to two months creating and testing a single video with his brand’s target audience. Now, he can accomplish this task in just three days. 

Thanks to Icon’s AI-driven marketplace and AI-powered video generation tools, TJ can easily find influencers who fit his brand criteria and get started. This means he can jump into A/B testing different scripts almost instantly. Best of all, he doesn’t need to worry about creator approvals, payouts, or contracts – Icon handles it for him with their built-in AI likeness licensing. 

With Icon’s streamlined workflow, TJ is not only testing on week one, but he also gets access to campaign analytics that empower him to make quick, data-driven decisions across channels.

Benefit #2 – Granular A/B tests for influencer ads

Using Icon, TJ has unlocked a level of testing control that would be impossible to achieve alone. With the platform’s AI-powered engine, he can try out different hooks, scripts, and even creators to identify the perfect combination that resonates with his audience and fine-tune his strategy. 

Having virtually unlimited A/B testing opportunities has also allowed BUBS to tap into new and often unexpected market segments. For instance, TJ recently partnered with Fred, a 22-year-old student outside their typically older demographic. Once his team tested out a few scripts, the conversions on Fred’s ads skyrocketed, putting BUBS on the radar of an entirely new audience.

Benefit #3 – Built-in creator whitelisting capabilities

Building deep relationships that lead to creators genuinely promoting directly on their accounts has been historically tough for BUBS. That’s why they were thrilled to start whitelisting with Icon. 

After onboarding, TJ has been able to expand his brand’s influencer outreach through Icon’s creator marketplace without dealing with the headaches that typically come with whitelisting.

Benefit #4 – Accelerated results at a fraction of the cost

Like many fast-growing brands, TJ had become all too familiar with the risk of negative-ROI influencer partnerships and ineffective allocation of a fixed account budget. Icon completely eliminated these issues from the get-go. Instead of paying $20K for a video, TJ allocates a fraction of this to Icon’s rapid production and A/B testing that generates immediate ROI.

In turn, these results feed into optimization of his ad spend and campaign strategy. The final outcome is lower total cost, as well as progressively lower CPAs and higher conversion rates. 

“With Icon, BUBS is now A/B testing and iterating right out of the gate – while also whitelisting and experimenting with creators at a faster pace than ever. In short, Icon put us on a completely new path that we had never imagined was possible.” 

The results 

BUBS Naturals improved conversion rates by 50% after deploying Icon 

With Icon, BUBS Naturals was able to ramp up A/B testing across their influencer ad campaigns and dramatically improve performance – saving time, effort, and significant capital resources in the process. Here’s a look at the results they’ve achieved so far after onboarding with Icon:

  • 100x faster A/B testing cycles
  • 100x cheaper with AI-generated videos  
  • 50% ad performance improvement

Looking ahead, BUBS plans to continue doubling down on their influencer strategy with Icon. On a final note, TJ is particularly excited to work with a team that’s truly invested in their customers’ success – and has a notable track record of working with fast-growing brands in the ecosystem.

“The Icon team is more than we could have ever asked for. There’s always someone behind our back who can sort through the entire creator partnership cycle and deliver best-in-class options to help improve our brand’s performance.”

Adrian Alfieri
Adrian Alfieri
CEO, Verbatim
Everyday DoseHiyaBackboneImmiMilaObvi

How it works (for brands)

Partner with the right creators faster

Take the guesswork out of choosing which creators to partner with.

Match with the best creators for your brand using key signals (e.g. follower count, engagement rate, audience demographics matching target customers).

You can also bring your own creators (BYOC).

Ads are whitelisted so that Meta's algorithm shows creator ads to their audiences (seeing a creator you follow recommend a product is more compelling versus someone random).

Whitelisted ads are the "sponsored" posts you see from creators in your Instagram feed. Also known as darkposts, they do not show up on a creator's profile.

Partner with the right creators faster

Turn 1 video into 20 videos with AI

No more waiting weeks for creators to make videos.

Take 1 perfect source video from a creator and instantly turn it into many videos.

All videos are approved (or rejected) by creators.

AI-generated audio is powered by OpenAI Voice Engine (which we have exclusive access to).

[Coming soon] AI-generated B-roll. Type text ("Bloom Nutrition's Greens being scooped into tall glass") and get video back. For now, upload existing B-roll to have it automatically woven into videos.

Turn 1 video into 20 videos with AI

Find winning ads by A/B testing messaging

Being bottlenecked by creator content creation is a thing of the past.

With instantly generated videos, you can A/B test your hook, story, & call-to-action to find the best messaging and improve ad performance.

Find winning ads by A/B testing messaging

What they're saying

"Choosing creators can be slow and uncertain. Icon uses key signals to connect you with the right creators faster."
Maneet Khaira

Maneet Khaira

CEO, Backbone
"Partnering with the right brands can be difficult. Icon matches you with brands that match your following, resulting in more repeat deals."
Alexandra Botez

Alexandra Botez

Pro Chess & Poker Player
@missbotez (4.7M followers)

Ready to create winning influencer ads with AI?